- Shifting -

What is it and what you eat it with?

Shifting, generaly said to be moving your conciosnes from this reality into body from another reality, which generaly done through wake or asleep methodes. While yes, its speculated to be just Lucid Dreaming, and yes they have similiar parts. I, for one, do not care. Wherether it is it helps me keep motivation to continue so ill take it. Mostly seen as way out of this realities problems, boredom, hostility. Which is funny bc i use it for all those reasons.

corny shifting image

The awake methods mostly made out of meditation, affirmation and trolling your mind into thinking youre in our desired reality. Desired reality, also known as DR, is reality youre shifting to. People make scripts, scenraios, where they store most of thinsg they know/want in this reality to exist. Like relationship between you and people/creatures in your DR, or clothes, or features, literally anything. I imagine this like spawn into world with items in your inventory or something like that.

As of 24.11.2023 11:56, i didnt shift yet, but i do have many scripts i need to better.

- Fandoms -

I feel like i dont need to explain whats that as i see this place as fandom/content centered (written 24/11/2023) so ill just went straight to the list.

-South park


-Chuckle Sandwich


-Sorry Boys

-Team Fortress 2


-Big Top Burger

-The Owl House

-Jojo's bizzare adventure

-Horror media/Slasher media



-Clone High

-Ladybug and Cat Noir

-Welcome Home

-My own characters lore